Free Giveaways & Rust Skins
Okay, who doesn't like free giveaways? That's right, everyone LOVES money, especially when it's free & takes little to no effort. Howl offers a lot of incentives for users and one of them is free on-site giveaways where users have to log in, and click "enter giveaway" for a chance to win Rust skins. It really is that simple, this again is one of our ways to show our appreciation to players who continue to support us. The best thing is once you've won the item you can sell it instantly for cash or try your luck on Howlgg! On our Twitter (@HowlGG) we post regular giveaways that again, takes a simple retweet to enter & you could win your favourite skin(s)!
Alongside this, we have a Free Daily Case which for more information, you can read about that here. Our Discord and Twitter are great ways to stay in contact with us but also a good way to win some free skins! We continuously giveaway skins to our users for simply retweeting or sometimes commenting or completing a challenge! I'd strongly recommend everyone who likes free skins (everyone) to follow us on Twitter and turn our notifications on as sometimes it's simply worth it!
Another thing we've been experimenting with lately is Twitter challenges where we give users insane bonuses for completing a challenge, i.e "win 5 coinflips in a row". Our previous winner walked away with a Glowing Skull ($125) for winning money, I know, it sounds crazy. On top of his crazy 5 win streak, he received a bonus! if you'd like to participate you can follow our Twitter here and make sure to turn notifications ON!